The Sims 3 Ambitions Serial Code Generator
I bought the Sims 3 a few months ago and it intalled fine but I recently bought a new computer and I can't find the code to register the game. Is there any way of obtaining the code through the serial number or something? These things should really be put on the box not the little piece of paper inside...Please help!!!
The Sims 3 Ambitions Serial Code Generator
See if this thread helps you: -Sims-3/FAQ-Lost-and-broken-DVDs-and-missing-serial-codes-What-to-do/td-...If not, you need to contact customer supportThe AnswerHQ is about Users helping Users.They can be found here: -us/askChoose a category, a game and a platform for the contact options to show up.If live chat is gray, change your country to US and make sure you're on US Business hours. It might also gray because they're very busy. Try later.See this post if you have trouble with the site: -to-contact-ea.html
And just for future references, I would definitelly advice to register all your ea games within your origin account. I do that as soon as I buy a new box, just add the serial number onto your origin account and you wont have any problems like that again. At any computer, all you need to do is to install origin and once youre logged in, you can download the game throught the client. No codes needed. Its pretty cool and also handy if you happen to lose the whole box :-)
If you cannot find the serial number, or you have deleted the email, you can find your code in your Order History by going to Origin > EA Account and Billing... > Order History or directly by clicking My Account.